⇨ Exhibition “KRKA GALLERY”, Novo mesto, Oct/Nov 2024
… text by Tatjana Pregl Kobe (in Slovenian) PDF – Photos
⇨ Exhibition “SMALL GALLERY Cankarjev dom”, Ljubljana, July 2024
… text by Judita Krivec Dragan (in English and Slovenian) PDF
⇨ Exhibition “JSI GALLERY”, Ljubljana, June 2024
… text by Tatjana Pregl Kobe (in Slovenian) PDF
Jadran Lenarčič: “Due to the above three exhibitions and other commitments, I put off painting for a few months, but the big white canvas in my studio is tempting. I feel that this break will talk me into something new. I trust my last paintings collected in Too many colours can be a good basis”.
“Jadran Lenarčič has been personally and artistically committed to the intersection of the Slovenian and Romanic worlds. Created from an imaginative perspective his paintings joyfully play with colours and symbols. The arabesque painting structure is unusual, but so skilfully composed that the viewer navigates the rhythm of the undulating images as safely as in a boat on a calm river,” Tatjana Pregl Kobe

Jadran Lenarčič is a robotics scientist by profession. He is also known to the public as the long-time director (2005-2020) of the largest research institute in Slovenia, the Jožef Stefan Institute. However, artistic creation is also an inner impulse of his everyday life. Lenarčič, born in 1955, spent his youth by the sea, and memories of the Mediterranean town of Koper resurrect his inspiration. He is a Slovenian Association of Fine Arts member and has had solo art exhibitions in Slovenia and Austria. Most of his creations are acrylics on canvas, occasionally acrylics on paper. He lives and works in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
“Creations of Jadran Lenarčič contain a cubistic understanding of perspective and fantastic metaphysical visions that represent a delicate reflection of the truths and dilemmas of existence, which he solves without scruples, in the same way as the geniuses of the Renaissance, convinced that answers can only be found in a complete holistic understanding of the world,” Judita Krivec Dragan
We look forward to your comments, questions, ideas, suggestions, thoughts ... Please send them in Slovenian, Italian or English to jadran.lenarcic@gmail.com
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